What is Vinyasa Yoga?

Remember the connect the dots puzzles everyone loved as kids? You join the dots in sequence and at the end, it reveals the big picture. Vinyasa is similar– a method of sequencing a yoga practice, linking postures with the breath to achieve a goal. This goal could be posture in itself – like preparing for a backbend. It could also be body-specific, like strengthening the shoulders. Maybe the practice is created towards improving sleep. The goal could also be a feeling. For instance, increasing energy, being more focused, stability or creating a more relaxed state of mind. And just as in life, these goals could be short or long term. For example, a Vinyasa practice that works towards improving the exhalation capacity, could also have a larger goal of improving the ability to manage stress.

Vinyasa is a Sanskrit word. “Vi” means “in a special way” and “nyasa” means “to place”. So literally translated it means “to place in a special way”. Nothing is random. Everything has its place and purpose. At the same time, the practice can be fluid with room for modifications and variations to suit the individual, time of day, place etc.

But what makes Vinyasa unique is its focus on conscious breathing. The breath is used as a link between movements, allowing us to enhance their effects. For example, inhaling deeply and consciously as you raise the arms supports the expansion of the chest and spinal extension. It also brings us into the present moment. By focusing on the breath and movement, we are gently, not forcefully, asking the mind to tune into the practice.

Vinyasa yoga was introduced by T.Krishnamacharya who is considered to be the Father of Modern Yoga, and it was carried forward by his son T.K.V Desikachar. Today it is practiced across the world and has taken on many different forms. But in its purest form, Vinyasa is about using the breath to move and live with more intention and awareness.

Click here to see our Vinyasa Yoga schedule.


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